Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education


(As Head Department Including Two Departments)



The department started its activities by accepting students for the 2008-2009 Academic Year for the first time within the Faculty of Education of Adıyaman University. In 2008, when the department was founded it has operated as the Department of Turkish Education. Since 2016, it has been serving as the Department of Turkish Education under the Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education (as the head department), depending on the restructuring of education faculties.

With its young and well-equipped academic staff, the department contributes to the literature with studies such as articles, book chapters and papers, and continues to influence the university rankings with its articles in international indexes.

With its young lecturers who completed their doctoral studies in the field of Turkish Education Department in Turkey's deep-rooted universities, the department increases the power and offers a quality education. In the department, which is closely interested in the academic development of the students, the course contents are created in accordance with YÖK (Higher Education Institution) definitions.


Students who graduate from the Department of Turkish Education can work as a Turkish teacher in schools and private institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, as well as work in TÖMER (Turkish Teaching Center) affiliated to universities and private institutions. In addition, our graduates can work as language experts in different institutions and abroad, work in television channels, and work as writers and editors in broadcasting houses. Those who have completed four-year undergraduate program can apply to master's and doctoral programs and transfer to academic life.

There is an opportunity to do master's degree in the department. Until now, various theses have been defended in sub-areas such as Teaching Children's Literature, Listening Education, Speaking Education, Reading Education, Writing Education, Teaching Turkish to Foreigners.

Students who Graduated from Adıyaman University’s Education Faculty Turkish Language Teaching can apply for graduate education in three different branches: Turkish Education, Teaching Turkish to Turkish Children Abroad, and Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language. In addition, there are opportunities to do a doctorate in Turkish Education and Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language programs.

There are 2 associate professors, 2 doctor lecturers, 5 research assistants, 1 lecturer in ADYÜ Faculty of Education Turkish Education Department. Detailed resumes of the instructors working in the Department of Turkish Education can be accessed through ABYS (Academic Information Management System). Approximately 200 students study in the department, although it varies slightly over the years. The department is a popular program according to university preference results, and its quotas are completely filled every year. It is possible to accept special students, especially with normal and central transfer, and programs such as Farabi and Erasmus.



Our faculty, which was established in 1987 under Gaziantep University and started its activities in 1997-1998 academic year, continues its activities as the Faculty of Education affiliated to Adıyaman University with the establishment of Adıyaman University in 2006.

With the decision of the Executive Board of Higher Education dated 04.11.1997 and numbered 97.39.2761, a restructuring process was initiated in Education Faculties and within this framework, Department of Social Studies Education was opened under the Department of Primary Education of our Faculty of Education and received its first students in the 2001-2002 academic year. It graduated its first students in 2005. The education period is four academic years.

With the decision taken by the Higher Education Executive Board in 2016, the Department of Social Sciences and Turkish Education, which was established within the scope of the restructuring of Education Faculties, was restructured as a Department of Social Studies Education.

Approximately 240 teacher candidates receive education in the Social Studies Education Program. Department of Social Studies Education also carries out the "master's program" in Social Studies Education within the Social Sciences Institute.

There are 2 associate professors, 2 doctor lecturers, 2 research assistants, 1 lecturer in ADYÜ Faculty of Education, Social Sciences Education Department. Detailed resumes of the academic staff working in the Social Studies Education Department can be accessed through ABYS (Academic Information Management System).



The aim of the department is to provide students who are studying at secondary schools (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade) with the skills of using Turkish correctly, understanding what they read and listening, expressing themselves verbally and in writing, protecting the Turkish language, using it correctly and protecting it, at the same time to train teachers who care and academics to train these teachers. In addition, our other goal is to contribute to the field with scientific studies.


The main purpose of the department is to train Turkish teachers for the secondary school level. For this purpose, our mission is based on both native Turkish and teaching phenomena. In this direction, it is the basis of our department's mission to train teachers who have the consciousness to instill the awareness and love of mother tongue to students studying in secondary schools. The main goal of the Department is to train Turkish teachers and academicians who have the following abilities: having the responsibility and awareness of our mother tongue Turkish, comprehending Turkish with its historical and cultural process, providing the simultaneous and concurrent transmission of Turkish, using Turkish correctly in written and oral communication, recognizing the masterpieces of Turkish, using these works in language teaching, and also adopting it as a way of learning, teaching and living. It is also one of the aims of the department to train teachers and academicians who can decompose and integrate knowledge instead of carrying it as memorization, who can use it instead of storing it, who are self-confident, able to discuss, criticize, perceive itself and the world correctly, pursue their rights and responsibilities, and who are constructive, productive and educate their students with this awareness.


Turkish Education Department, in line with its mission stated above, is a department of vital and scientific importance due to its responsibility and nature. It has a purpose that spans all areas of daily life. As a department, our vision is to have Turkish teachers who respect national and universal values, who are interested in science, culture and art activities, who are in an effort to improve themselves, who can think critically and constructively, who know the subtleties of our language, and who contribute to the field by making useful studies in their field. Also our vision is to be a pioneer at national and international level by training academicians who will work in the field of Turkish education.



The main purpose of the program in the 21st century world; It is to teach students the basic knowledge, skills and values that a social studies teacher should have. It is aimed to train teacher candidates who have absorbed the values of the knowledge society, who produce and apply knowledge in the fields of social studies, who constantly develop themselves, and who can seek solutions to problems related to education, training and teacher training with scientific methods.


The basic mission of our Social Studies Education Program;

To train a teacher type that is open to innovation, while continuing the values ​​of the past based on the phenomenon of teaching,

For the purpose of Social Studies education and training; to provide the necessary infrastructure, to follow all innovations related to the field closely,

To follow domestic and international publications, to benefit from technology and to do research on the disciplines under Social Studies,

To raise responsible teacher candidates who know the methods and techniques related to Social Studies teaching very well, who are questioning, searching and have strong communication skills and who can transfer these skills to the students they will train,

To have teacher candidates who are dependent on the general objectives of Turkish National Education, can communicate effectively, do not escape from social responsibility, respect universal values while assimilating national values, and can produce solutions to social problems as individuals with citizenship awareness.


The basic vision of our Social Studies Education Program; To ensure that teacher candidates receive a qualified education related to Social Studies education and teaching, to train enlightened individuals who are scientifically minded, open to innovations, pioneer in works for the benefit of humanity, and use information technologies correctly and well, in line with the needs of our country and the world.