Department of Basic Education


Our faculty, which was established in 1987 under Gaziantep University and started its educational activities in 1997-1998, continued its activities as the Faculty of Education affiliated to Adıyaman University with the establishment of Adıyaman University in 2006.

In accordance with the decision taken at the Higher Education Executive Board's meeting dated 15.06.2016, within the framework of the restructuring carried out in terms of departments and departments in Education Faculties, it has been included in the departments of Preschool Education and Elementary Education, which has been working under the name of Primary Education Department since 2006, It became operational in.

Preschool Education Department

Undergraduate education is given in the Department of Pre-School Education. The main purpose of the undergraduate program is to provide pre-school teacher candidates who will take part in Preschool Education with basic knowledge and skills about their fields and teaching formation. In the program, compulsory field knowledge, teaching profession knowledge, general culture and application lessons are included. In addition, students take elective courses. The courses are carried out both theoretically and practically. Theoretical courses in the program are given in technology-supported environments. The applied courses are carried out in four semesters under the supervision of the Application Instructor and the Application Teacher in cooperation with the Faculty of Education, Provincial Directorate of National Education, Application Primary Schools and Kindergartens. Those who complete the undergraduate program are entitled to receive the Pre-School Education Department degree and the teaching diploma. Graduates can work as teachers in Pre-School Education Institutions.  In the department, there are 1 Associate Professor, 2 Dr. Lecturer Member, 3 Instructors, 1 Research Assistant.


Elementary Education Department

In the program, compulsory field knowledge, teaching profession knowledge, general culture and application lessons are included. In addition, students take elective courses. The courses are carried out both theoretically and practically. Theoretical courses in the program are given in technology-supported environments. The applied courses are carried out in three semesters under the supervision of the Application Instructor and the Application Teacher in cooperation with the Faculty of Education, Provincial Directorate of National Education and Application Primary Schools. The Primary Education Program is an interdisciplinary field of study based on natural sciences and social sciences.

There are 2 Associate Professors, 3 Doctor Instructors, 1 Research Assistant in the department.

Mission & Vision


The mission of this program is in line with Atatürk's Principles and Revolutions, he is devoted to his country and his nation, aiming to protect and keep alive its national values, qualified, ethical, questioning, criticizing, creative thinking, universal perspective on preschool education and teaching and teaching profession knowledge and skills in the light of scientific research in the field. to train equipped teachers. By providing education and research opportunities in line with the needs and developments in the world, to train pre-service teachers who think analytically, prioritize their professional and personal development, and are problem-solving, innovative and participatory.


To train teachers who continuously develop their knowledge and experience with a universal perspective on basic education, have knowledge of national and international basic educational approaches, love people, have self-confidence and respect, high level of general culture, creative, tolerant and patient personality.