Department of Mathematics and Science Education


Mathematics Education and Science Education programs were under the Department of Primary Education, but according to the decision of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), in 2016, Faculties of Education were academically restructured, and now both programs are under the Department of Mathematics and Science Education. The Department of Mathematics and Science Education continues its educational activities at the undergraduate and graduate (Master's and Doctorate) levels in Mathematics Education and Science Education. Mathematics Education Program, as of 2019-2020 academic year, has 9 academic staff including 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 4 assistant professors, 1 research assistant with Ph.D., and 2 research assistants. Science Education Program has 9 academic staff including 3 professors, 1 associate professor, 3 assistant professors, and 2 research assistants. Besides, as of the 2019-2020 academic year, the Mathematics Education program has 210 pre-service undergraduate students and 19 graduate students (9 Master’s and 10 Doctorate). The Science Education program has 124 pre-service undergraduate students and 26 graduate students (17 Master's and 9 Doctorate).

Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Our mission to prepare mathematics and science teachers who have the humanitarian approach, are respectful to democratic and ethical values, sensitive to country and world problems, scientifically and technologically literate, aware of the responsibility given by educating new generations, able to renew itself according to its needs, open to change and development, self-confident, perceive science as a way of life, and follow and apply international standards to fulfill our country needs to take its place among the developed countries. Besides, it is the leading missions of our department is to develop national and international cooperation in the field of mathematics and science education, to train professional educators that our country needs, and to improve the quality of the curriculum with the contributions of national and international groups, societies and researchers.

Our vision

The vision of the Department of Mathematics and Science Education is to enable our pre-service teachers to graduate with knowledge and skills that are necessary to deal with the challenges of the future generations, where it is preferred to study and work with its resources and infrastructure and contributes to national and international education.